faith formation
As Catholics, we are always working towards growing spiritually in our faith formation: developing and renewing our faith as Catholics through the Sacraments and other faith formations.
For those baptized into the faith, our faith formation continues as children entering school and continues with confirmation of faith in high school. Because others may not have been raised from birth as Catholics, faith formation to become a Catholic begins with the Order of Christian Initiation.
The formation of our faith does not end, however, when our sacramental preparation is complete. No, in fact, this should be just the beginning!
Our sacraments should be looked at as building blocks to help us grow spiritually in our faith and draw closer in our relationship with Christ.
If you are interested in having a child baptized, we offer Baptismal seminars as part of the Baptismal preparation into our Catholic faith. Information about these seminars or other details can be obtained by contacting our parish office.
Eucharist is the receiving of the Body and Blood of Christ. Children entering the second grade that have already been baptized must meet religious education guidelines and receive their First Communion in order to participate in this sacrament. Adults who are Catholic should be in good grace when receiving the Eucharist.
Reconciliation is the sacrament in which we make a formal confession of our sins to a priest. This sacrament allows us to be in good grace in order to receive the Holy Eucharist.
If you are interested in getting married at either of our church parishes, we ask that you contact the priest at least six months prior to your anticipated wedding date.
Do you have a call to serve the Lord in the capacity of a priest, nun or even a deacon? If so, please contact our priest so that he can direct you or answer any questions you may have regarding this sacrament.
This sacrament is available for anyone who has fallen seriously ill, near death or even getting ready to undergo a serious procedure or operation. Please contact our office if you or someone you know is in need of this sacrament.
Formal formation and initiation into the Catholic faith is done through religious education classes for school-aged children and OCIA for adults.
Religious Education for Youth
Children who are baptized in to the Catholic faith and who are working to complete their initiation into the Catholic faith participate in religious education classes offered at each parish. These are classes for school-aged children.
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults
For adults or children who are interested in becoming Catholic or those who have not completed the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion and Reconciliation partake in studies through this program.